Wave (Sea of Signals), 2019-20
Digital Template File, Adjusted to Fit
Dimensions Variable.
Wave (Sea of Signals) is a work which depicts a slippage between forms of matter. The work observes a chance or casual echo - in which the wifi symbol resembles the traditional Japanese graphic drawing of a sea or pool of water - which might describe a slippage between water, with its essential properties, and the technological evangelism of continuous communication, often described as a new essential and inviolable resource. The work posits a sly transformation, from the image of calm reflection and flow, towards a continuous broadcasting.
Each work is made from a single image template file (below), which can be tiled and scaled according to the conditions of display. This can be printed or placed on a screen, an adjusted to fit, in accordance with the repeating patterns and proportions of the template, sometimes leaving a space, interpreted as a horizon, above.
In the work above, a single template file is repeated by the website’s slideshow package, which automatically repeats, producing an infinite scroll.
Wave (Sea of Signals), 2020
Digital Inkjet Prints on Hahnemuhle Pearl Paper